koyuki kazahaya

Embassy of Japan in Belgium
Japan Information and Cultural Centre of the Embassy of Japan in Belgium
Rue Van Maerlant/Van Maerlantstraat 1 - 1040 Bruxelles/Brussel - 02 513 23 40

Transient Landscapes

koyuki kazahaya

2-20 September 2019
Opening on 2 September (Monday) 18-20 h

Please make a reservation at: info@bx.mofa.go.jp (Free admission) Opening hours: 9:15-12:30, 13:30-17:00 (Monday – Friday)

Information about art works, please contact to

le salon d'art

rue de l’hôtel des monnaies, 81 - 1060 bruxelles - 02 537 65 40
lesalondart@skynet.be - www.lesalondart.be